
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Today is one of the biggest days of the year for me. Not only is it my absolute favorite holiday, but everything I have been working on for the past six months comes together TODAY! I have slipped away for a rare quiet hour to reflect on what is about to happen.   Myself and my partner in crime, Chantell, run admissions, mobilization, and training (amongst other things) for Adventures in Mission’s Ambassador program. It is the program where 14-18 individuals sign up for 2-4 week mission trips in 8 different countries.

We have been in a whirlwind of last minute details this week, getting parent release forms, making sure their money is in, getting their international travel insurance, checking plane tickets, double, triple checking passports and talking to very anxious parents. This has been my life, but tomorrow 76 teenagers from all over the United States fly into Atlanta to go out to the nations.

These are not the kids who go because their parents make them, or because their friends are going. Most of them have never met each other before. Their parents will not be with them. I have talked to many of them on the phone and they are going because they want to make a difference. They believe that God will use them and that are called to go.

This upcoming generation holds such hope! They are on fire for Jesus and cannot wait to be His hands and feet. I can’t believe that God has let me be a part of all of this. There are days in the office that are hard but the bigger picture is that every moment leads to this. The lives of these students are about to be changed. I truly believe that. They will be gone an entire month without phones, parents, and the usual comforts of home.

On Monday they fly out to Swaziland, Uganda, The Philippines, and Ireland for 4 weeks. Chantell and her husband are leading the 2 week trip to Guatemala and my co-leader and I will be leading the 2 week trip to Jamaica. This will be my first time out of country since The Race and I am more than ready. These kids have given up their summer, have fundraised thousands of dollars and have worked so hard to get to this point.

I am brimming over with excitement, pride and anticipation to see how the Lord will use each one of them They will be wrecked, they will be stretched, they will be broken and see the world in such a new and wonderful way. It is an independence day for many of them. They will see what happens when they step out in faith on their own and will see the freedom of giving everything they have to the Lord.

3 responses to “Independence Day”

  1. Woo Hoo Caitlin! I trust your DC trip was fruitful. May God be with all of you and your teams. May He open hearts and show the love that is so needed! Love you!

  2. There is no greater calling than to reach others for Christ. May the Lord supply each with the strength and perseverance to complete this task. And…may He prepare hearts to receive the news that the team members are bringing to them. Thank you for sharing with us.

  3. Caitlin,
    Jim & I continue to pray for you in your work for the Kingdom! May you be blessed and be a blessing to the young people you lead as you go to Jamaica. Love, Jim & Carol