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One month ago, my plane touched down in Nicaragua and me and my three suitcases I had packed up my life in passed through customs and security to meet my new team on the other side. It was all a bit overwhelming and surreal to say the least.


Due to car problems, traffic, and long lines at the international airport I had barely made my flight from Atlanta to Managua and hardly had time to think about this day that I had been anticipating for almost two years.

The past six months have been filled with fundraising, training, Spanish, goodbyes, hellos, moving, moving, and moving. Arriving in Nicaragua has felt like standing in a room after you have been spinning in circles for a while. When you stop, it seems that everything is still spinning around you.


Driving through Managua to my new home in Granada that first night, I was filled with excitement, happiness, and a little apprehension. Moving to another country is unlike anything I have ever done before. It is not like the World Race, a short term trip, or language school. I am here.

In this first month there have been difficult moments. It is hard having the capacity of a 3 year old and not even be able to do simple things like laundry or go to the grocery store without asking a million questions (in Spanish and English). But I have learned so much about life and about myself in just one month and I cannot wait to learn more!


My days look like team meetings, bible studies, jail ministry, volleyball games, movie nights, hospital visits, and trying to figure out life here and what the heck everyone is saying to me. Every day there is a new adventure whether it is going to the beach, making new friends, or just trying to figure out how to buy fruit in the market.


But, it has been so good to finally be here.  I have been practicing Spanish with my new friends and even though it is unnerving sometimes, I learn a little more each day. I have never been to a country without a definite ending and it brings me such excitement that I get to invest in one place for a while.


God has continually reminded me that my weaknesses are made perfect in Him, and all he needs is my willingness to grow and to keep my eyes on Him.


I look forward to telling you many more updates and stories from Granada!

Newsletter update:

I have changed my sending e-mail to [email protected], so if you are signed up for my newsletters please check your junk folder if you have not been receiving them. I know a lot of them got lost last month! If you are not signed up and would like to receive my newsletter updates, please email me or comment with address. I would be more than happy to add you!

8 responses to “One Month in Nicaragua”

  1. And the journey begins ????????
    So proud of you my precious daughter!!!

    Love you madly ????

    Mama C

  2. Glad to hear from you in your new home! May you always feel God’s presence and also know the love and support of friends like us. Have another wonderful adventure!

  3. So proud of you Caitlin!! You are so brave and I can’t wait to hear all of the amazing stories 🙂 please go visit my friend the turtle and find the little nuances that make it even more home!

  4. “God has continually reminded me that my weaknesses are made perfect in Him, and all he needs is my willingness to grow and to keep my eyes on Him.” yes.

    so proud of you. missing you so very much. so happy i still get to talk to you all the time and feel so involved (from far away) in your life and journey. I love you, amiga.

  5. love it. love your heart. love the wandering space Jesus has you in. I can’t wait to hear how your heart settles in to this place of Home. love you so much